

“Clindex support is unlike any database support I have encountered. They’re consistently accessible and always get right to the heart of the issue. Their swift response time is superb.”

Director Clinical Research, Mid-Size Medical Device Company


“We have been impressed that Clindex has been flexible and adaptable to our changing requirements and has kept pace with our growth. Clindex continues to deliver what we need in the way we want it.”

Clinical Data Analyst, Mid-Size Medical Device Company


“As a small start-up medical device company, we wanted to keep our data in-house but were concerned about resourcing. Clindex is so easy to use that we were able to quickly train existing clinical personnel and, with minimal support, manage all data processes in-house.”

President, Startup Medical Device Company

“Testing this out”

“I am impressed with the comprehensive features and flexibility that Clindex offers. We have been very pleased with Clindex and the quality of the product.”

Manager, Clinical I.T. Systems, Major Medical Device Company


“If I haven’t mentioned it to you before I am extremely pleased at how well Clindex has served us in the last year (we just had the first year anniversary of launching our trial last week). Although credit certainly goes to my staff for learning so quickly, it must also go to your company for creating this user friendly software that a non-initiate was able to get up and running in a few months with no major glitches in 12 months! Thanks for a superior product.”

Taraz Samandari, CDC, US Department Health and Services